P. agnata

Oliver Gluch's
World of Carnivorous Plants

"What you always wanted to know about butterworts"


P. filifolia
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Where can I get more information about carnivorous plants?

There are several societies around the globe where enthusiasts of carnivorous plants joined together to share their experiences with carnivorous plants. Often there exists a society newsletter with articles about different species, field trips or local activities.

In Germany the Gesellschaft für Fleischfressende Pflanzen (G.F.P.) is a carnivorous plant society founded in 1984 by a group of CP growers. Today there are more than 800 members not only from German speaking countries. 2 to 3 times a year a society's newsletter is published under the name "Das Taublatt". There is an annual meeting of the society members with a plant sale.

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A more international society dedicated to carnivorous plants is the International Carnivorous Plant Society located in the USA. Its publication is named "Carnivorous Plant Newsletter" where you can find more scientific articles concerning CP's.

Further web sites of foreign carnivorous plant associations:

United Kingdom: The Carnivorous Plant Society (CPS)

France: Association d'Amateurs de Plantes Carnivores (Dionée)

Netherlands: Carnivora

Belgium: Drosera VZW (in Dutch)

Czech Republic: Darwiniana

Spain: Drosophyllum - Asociación Espagñola de Plantas Carnívoras (DAEPC)

Italy: Associazione Italiana Piante Carnivore (AIPC)

Australia: Australian Carnivorous Plant Society, Inc. (ACPS)

If you are searching for additional information about butterworts, then I can recommend you the private website of Eric Partrat , a French enthusiast for Pinguicula. On his website you can find beside description of species also travel reports from butterwort habitats around the world.

Another recommended private website (in German only) about carnivorous plants is that from Markus Welge und Matthias Teichert. There you can find  a lot of information about diverse carnivorous plant families.