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Pinguicula calderoniae Zamudio (2001)

Topographic map of Mexico with location of the city Tamazunchale close to the Sierra Gorda.

Topographic map of the Sierra Gorda. P. calderoniae is currently only known from cliffs at the edge of the Llano Chiquito and the Llano del Conejo.

View on the Sierra Gorda (seen from the road coming from Tamazunchale). The biosphere reserve in the border area of the two Mexican states of San Luis Potosí and Querétaro has an impressively diverse flora and fauna with a lot of endemic species.

25th August 2009

View from the Llano del Conejo onto Cerro Conejo. At the edges on this high altitude plain P. calderoniae grows on vertical calcareous cliffs (sometimes together with P. martinezii and P. moranensis).

25th August 2009

Habitat of P. calderoniae, growing on vertical calcareous cliffs.

25th August 2009

The summer leaves of P. calderoniae are with a length of 25 cm and more amongst the longest within the genus Pinguicula.

25th August 2009

P. calderoniae often grows in moss cushions that have been establishes in crevices on the calcareous rocks. In summer the species is forming maximum 5 to 6 summer leaves, before they begin to form winter leaves again.

25th August 2009

P. calderoniae seems to divide easily, as in its natural habitat plants grow mostly in groups of several plants together. 

25th August 2009

Group of plants with a single remaining flower. The flower scapes can reach a size between 6 and 15 cm.

25th August 2009

One year old plants in summer rosette (in cultivation). Leaves exposed to direct sunlight can show a pink-red to red coloration.

5th September 2015

The upper surface of the summer leaves are densely covered with glands to catch and digest prey. The mid vein of the leaves show often a brown-reddish coloration. The margin of the summer leaves are slightly turned down.

25th August 2009

Lateral view of a flower (in culture). The flower is characterized by a long and funnel shaped corolla tube and a very long and pointed spur.

24th August 2014

Front view of a flower (in culture). The corolla is divided into an upper and a lower lip. The upper side of the corolla lobes are sparsely covered with glands.

24th August 2014

Onion-like winter rosette (in culture). The winter leaves are succulent and sitting partly or completely in the soil.

26th September 2011