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Pinguicula mirandae Zamudio & Salinas (1996)

P. mirandae was discovered for the first time in the 1990s during a scientific evaluation of the flora and fauna of the Biosphere Reserve Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley and described officially in 1996 as a new species. With the current knowledge the species seems to be restricted to a small area in the mountains of the Tehuacán-Cuicatlán valley located in the Mexican state of Oaxaca (south of the border to the state of Puebla). P. mirandae grows in altitudes between 1250 and 1800 m a.s.l. in a tropical deciduous forest  (span.: selva baja caducifolia) that mainly consists of thorny low trees and shrubs, bearing leaves in summer during the rainy season but shed the leaves during the dry winter season. Predominent plant genus are Agave, Dasylirion, Nolina, Beaucarnea und Yucca.
P. mirandae
mostly grows under shrubs (often together with Selaginella sp.) in little eroded calcareous soils or can be found in crevices of calcareous rocks in moist areas of west or northwest facing hills.

Adapted to the environmental conditions, P. mirandae does form in the wet summer months summer rosettes, that consist of 6 to 10 carnivorous summer leaves. These summer leaves can reach a length of up to 4 cm. The colour of the oblong leaves can vary between light green and pale red-brown. End of September the plants begin to form the winter rosette. This compact rosette (consisting of 40-60 leaves) has smaller succulent, non carnivorous, 1 to 2 cm long leaves, with which the plants survive the dry winter months.

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The flowers do appear out of the winter rosette in December and January. The corolla consists of 5 lobes, almost equal in size, 3,5 to 7 mm long and 3 to 6,5 mm wide.The obovate corolla lobes change the colour during aging of the flower, first the colour is white to pale violet, then the colour intensifies towards a darker violet. The upper part of the corolla lobes is densely covered with white hair. Another specific character of the flower is the funnel shaped tube, that is bent in the middle forming a 90 degree angle, very similar to the corolla tube of  P. acuminata. The spur is short (2-4 mm) and obtuse and separated from the tube.

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Cultivation of P. mirandae is relatively easy. From spring to autumn cultivation in moist to wet substrate is preferable, while during the winter months the substrate should be kept moist to dry. The pH of the substrate does not seem to have any impact on a successful cultivation. From experience I would not recommend a substrate that contains a high amount of organic matter, this may result in root rotting over winter. The use of a soil with good draining properties and a good aeration of the roots showed with me the best results.

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